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march update:

It’s mid-March, and I feel like the year is zooming by
already. The last few weeks have been fairly quiet, and I’ve been working away quietly and not getting up to much mischief! I am staying put for the rest of March and working on research at The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and beginning work on a new project with the Chamber Music Scotland EDI fund.

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New Project

Chamber Music Scotland EDI fund

I am one of the awardees of the Chamber Music Scotland EDI fund 2025 which exists to promote diversity and inclusion in Scotland in the classical music sector. With this new project, I hope to explore the application of creative captioning in music and audio description and bring this to a wider audience of musicians.



Click to watch a performance of new Illuminate commissioned work The Goddess of Ballachulish which took place at The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow in December 2024. A new work commissioned by Illuminate Women’s Music 2024/25 and performed by soprano Stephanie Lamprea and cellist Jessica Kerr. A 2,500-year-old five-foot tall wooden effigy of a woman was dug up in the 1880s by Loch Leven in Scotland. This work imagines her reawakening.

I also wrote a blog about this commission which you can read by clicking here.

coming up

Sonic Bothy ensemble will perform at Counterflows Festival on 6 th April in Glasgow. More details here.

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