So I was just about to enter a month of mad travelling and work but have suddenly found that I’ll be staying still for a while together with a lot of others in these odd times. Have been meaning to write in here for over a year but haven’t found the spare moment until now. Wonder what else I’ll catch up with ….. those 6 bags of paperwork need sorting for sure. But also wondering if this will be a good time to “catch up with stuff” and to “check-in” generally with life and with people.
Another reason for actually getting around to writing here is due to a new residency with Drake Music in London. There are 3 of us, each with widely different practices who will be working sometimes collaboratively and sometimes on our own projects under the umbrella of the residency with Drake Music during 2020. We started on 5th March at Drake Music’s offices based at Rich Mix and now, just over a week later find we’ll all be working remotely. One aspect of this residency is to document the experience and I think I’ll mainly be doing that here. I haven’t actually stayed still at home properly and for more than a week since last September. Heck, I know I’m not the only busy person on wheels on this here planet but it also struck me how lucky I’ve been with opportunities lately.
Drake Music have set us a creative challenge to get us started and working together …… we (gently) interrogated members of the team about what it means to work for the organisation and other useful things and these interviews will form the first creative response which we’ll present in the guise of a podcast. I’ve not done a podcast before …. one of the main guiding forces in this residency is to be challenged and to do things creatively and collaboratively that you might not have done before. To sort of move out of your creative comfort zone if you will. I get a nervous wibble in the pit of my stomach just thinking about it ….. I’m not sure “wibble” is a proper word but it perfectly describes the sensation. I think it’s a combination of “Yay” and “Eek” ….. I’ve also not had a website before but I’m going to be adapting this blog into that while at the same time trying not to put my face out there too much and bore the pants off everyone!?