

It was an absolute pleasure to work with Leonie Roessler recently together with a whole host of disabled artists on her new podcast released in October 2021: On art, disability, barriers and chances.


Fall from grace commissioned by Sound Festival in 2017 for bassoon choir, voice track and drone track had a new outing at Sound Festival 2021 with James Banner (Double bass) and Stephanie Lamprea (Soprano).

Take a listen below (from 18 minutes).

This is happening, a new collaboration with composer/abstract turntablist Megan Steinberg and flautist Kathryn Williams for The Lucy Hale Day of Disability, Music & Technology which took place on 3rd February 2023 at RNCM in Manchester. The creative process for this was intriguing and you can find out more here on Megan’s website which details the process and has a recording and a documentary by Zakiya Leeming.

Room to breathe commissioned by Drake Music Scotland to open Sound Festival 2022 at The Anatomy Rooms in Aberdeen on 26th October 2022. The work has 5 movements or rooms each of which explores a different aspect of breath and breathing post-Covid 19. Each movement is scored differently and includes flute (Gabriela Jaros), trumpet (David Cumming), bassoon (Dominic O’Sullivan), electronic wind instrument/bass clarinet (Sonia Allori), prepared vocal tracks and iPad trio (Clare Johnston, Karen Sutherland, Pete Sparkes)

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