Doing things differently.

  Well now it has been a good long while since I last waffled in a blog post. It seemed as good a time as any to write one. I have some health stuff going on right now and 2024 has not started quite as expected but that’s the way of things sometimes. While I […]

Some more Room to breathe and the importance of a good team!

The Room to breathe concert at Sound Festival 2022 in late October (as pictured above) has come and gone. I think on the whole it went very well and it was a jolly nice experience with a huge learning curve which I always think is a very good thing indeed. With musicians from Drake Music […]

Disappointment, Celebration and more Fungi!

Autumn has well and truly arrived, and Pixie has managed to find some more fine fungi specimens lately. Here she is pictured above sniffing an amazing red one. The colour was so vivid, and we admired it for a good minute or two even though I loathe mushrooms as you know! She never tries to […]

Mushroom heart, a foot boot and some Room to Breathe

Look what I chanced upon a few days ago whilst out for a wheel and a woof with Pixie, hound of wonders …  … a heart-shaped mushroom! Those who know me well will be having a wry laugh at this moment knowing as they do that I find fungi particularly repellent. However, even I will […]

The end of Sound Symphony and taking time off.

A Sound Symphony rose given to the cast and crew after the last performance on 24th June, a reminder of the scented rose petals featured throughout the show. The final performances were emotional, and I was reminded why I do this work and why it is so important to make theatre with amazing young autistic […]

Re-categorising my sock collection & Sound Symphony

I discovered on Bank Holiday Monday that I was wearing what I would class as a pair of Christmas socks. I have an extensive sock collection. People give me socks and I love it! No, that wasn’t sarcastic. I really love socks! Anyway, said socks had sausage dogs wearing Santa hats and that seemed just […]

April showers and leaving the living room a bit more!

This lovely view of the Cairngorms was taken from the car window on an early April excursion. It’s good to be getting out and about a bit more. I’m still a wee bit tentative but after a week of in person rehearsals in Glasgow with Sonic Bothy last month it feels a bit less weird […]

A very Covid Christmas and finding some balance

These lovely berries are a cheering colourful point in my daily wheels with Pixie at the moment. When we’re outside I breathe in every sight and smell. I can’t hear the birdsong, but I see birds and imagine it. I had Covid over the festive season like so many other folks. It has taken quite […]


I have just finished writing the last note of my final commissioned work of 2021. It’s a short new work for Digital Orchestra and commissioned by Drake Music Scotland. I won’t give too much away yet but the event Echoes, curated by composer Ben Lunn will be at the Queen’s Hall in Edinburgh on Saturday […]

Transitioning ……. going online and leaving the living room!

It happened! I have finally exited the living room and worked with actual lovely humans in another building after months and months and months of working from home! It was very weird and very wonderful in equal measure. You can see from the photo opposite that despite much anxiety when it came to the day […]

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